males banget gue blog buat ngetik lagi hm fyi ya semalem gue uda posting lumayan panjang &uda jadi. terus esa nelfon ya karena gue posting by mobiley jadi pas abis otp ngga bisa disave ck -_----
sekarang jadi males posting deh. elu aja deh blog yg ngetik, gue yg diktein gimana? ngga bisa dong dits. oh iya gue lupa lu kan ngga punya tangan ya kya gueeee ;p
yaudalah blog jadi sekarang gue baru bangun &waiting for my cutie boy(hem) but i dont really sure he'll call me or just send me a message ;(
owkay there's another feeling, and we go back to the story!
yesterday, i went to sumareccon to attending dhea's party. happy birthday ya beauty ♥♥
after ate, we went to cinema and watched harry potter. it was my first time watch harry potter in cinema. because i didn interest with this movie hee. i watched with laras and fida(where's dhea? YASAMA COWOKNYA LAH MISAH).
when the movie played, i try to watch and talking with fida bebey. pas ditengah ya blog laras bilang dia bosen banget wiwiw the same feeling with me ;3
terus gue ajakin aja buat............. PHOTOBOX hihi dan hasilnya agak freak owkay nope. pas balik ternyata dumbledor(bener gak?) uda mati &kita ngga liat itu ckck. abis itu gue pulang bareng riri, fida sampe alam sutera because my mommy picked me at there. when i arrived at home, badan gue makin panas sampe 39.6 lebih huah cuma bisa nangis :'''(
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